Celebration Giveaway Fun

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

Prizes can be fun and so can contests to celebrate new books. I got my first copies of Small Town Girl last week and first thing I thought about was giving some of those books away – along with an added prize or two. I like to tie in the contest with the book. You remember that lilac colored Grandmother’s Bible I gave away to celebrate Scent of Lilacs. It seemed to work. Last time, just for fun, I asked you to tell me grandmother stories. You guys are really good story sharers. Before I could blink twice, I had an inbox full of the most wonderful stories, and I had a great time sharing some of those stories with my readers here.

This time I thought and thought about a tie-in prize and finally decided on roses. After all we are taking a story trip back to Rosey Corner. I considered a rose bush, but the winner might not have a place to plant the bush or not be able to. So I decided on cut roses. Who doesn’t like roses and getting flowers? I have since found out there are a few, at least two people have told me if they win, they want the second prize. Anyway, I sent out my newsletter with the prize information and I’m slowly working through all the great responses. If you’re not on my newsletter e-mail list and would like to be, it’s easy to sign up. Just go to this link.

So here are the prizes (pictured above.) First prize is two dozen multi-colored roses and an autographed copy of Small Town Girl or a different book of your choice. It just has to be written by me. 🙂 Second prize is three grab bag books (all Christian fiction) plus an autographed copy of your choice of one of my books. Then I have that extra drawing for those of you who say you “never win.” Tell me that and you will be entered in a second drawing for some wind chimes that sound wonderful in the breeze along with your choice of one of my books. Remember, you can enter by sending an e-mail or leaving a comment here on One Writer’s Journal with a way to contact you. Easy as that. We’ll get you entered, don’t worry.

For fun, you can tell me about a time you were surprised by a bouquet of flowers, bought or picked out of the yard. Not a requirement to enter, but I love your stories and I am going to share some of them here in the weeks ahead. With your permission, of course, The flower stories I’ve been getting are mostly short and sweet but touching. I keep smiling as I read about your surprise bouquets. Deadline for entering is Midnight EST July 13, 2013.

Some of you have said you’ve never been surprised by flowers and I say sometimes you have to surprise yourself. Buy that pretty flower you’ve always wanted. My husband has often sent me flowers on the big sending flowers days like Valentines. And at times, he has grabbed a bunch of wildflowers over in the field and brought them to me. 🙂 Sometimes roots and all, but hey, they were flowers. And I love flowers.

Thanks to all of you who read Sue’s great post last Sunday. We had a good response and now it’s time to announce the winner of an e-book copy of Mother Earth Father Sky. It’s Pat C. Pat, I’ll give you a week to get in touch to claim your prize. If Pat doesn’t send me her contact info, I’ll pick another winner.

And the party continues as my Small Town Girl is ready to go hunting readers. Thanks for  reading.