Creeks, Cliffs and Wildflowers

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

Lots to do! Deadline zooming toward me for my work in progress and the words are coming slow. Chores need doing! New floor going down in the kitchen and bathroom and new room. New floors going down need everything moved off them! Not enough hours in the day.

Sometimes it’s hard getting everything done since I have to spend so many hours sitting with Mom and trying to convince her she is home and doesn’t need to head out the door to that home that is just beyond her view in her mixed up thoughts. That home she wants is long gone but so much more real in her mind these days than the home where she’s been living for the last thirty years.

All this to say that sometimes a person just has to ignore all the have-to-dos and take some time for want-to-dos. So come go to the creek with me.

That’s what I did Friday morning. I gave myself the gift of a couple of hours and forgot about the deadlines and chores. It’s wildflower season at my creek and I feel cheated if I don’t get a chance to admire the wildflowers there every year. So I said the chores can wait. The words might come easier after a little brain rest time. And I went walking. I didn’t let Oscar go. He’s still recuperating from his broken leg and surgery, but I didn’t totally miss out on dog companionship on my hike. The short-legged little neighbor dog went with me. His name’s Peanut Butter, but I nicknamed him P.B.

And I saw the wildflowers and heard the creek running. I spotted a Jack-in-the-pulpit, one of my favorites. I got a great picture of some shooting stars. I saw larkspur and buttercups. I took pictures of wood poppies and bent head trilliums, another of my favorites.

The creek was full from the recent rains with the water singing over the rocks. I got my feet wet and practiced my balance on the rocks. And then I climbed back up the steep hill, came home and headed to Mom’s. It’s good to give yourself a gift now and again. Especially in the spring when nature has given us the gift of beauty.  

What are some of your want-to-dos that make you happy when you give yourself that gift of time? Reading? Time with the grandkids? A favorite movie? Writing in a journal?