Sunshine, Traditions, and Easter

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

Family ties are cherished things, forged in childhood days, by love of
parents, deep and true, and sweet familiar ways.
– Terri Burritt
Easter Sunday – a day to celebrate with our church families and a day to gather with our extended families. Thinking about Easter gatherings seems to fit right in with my Grandmother theme the last few weeks. Did you celebrate the holiday with your family? What traditional things do you do for Easter?

 When my kids were young, we always went to my husband’s parents house on Easter. The holiday was very important to my mother-in-law and she expected her children to come “home” on that Sunday. She loved having us all in church with her on Easter. She also enjoyed having a corsage on Easter. Ladies in the church wearing corsages on Easter used to be common, but it’s been years since I’ve seen somebody show up with flowers pinned to their new Easter finery. Didn’t see a single hat in church today either. No wait, one of our church kids who just turned two looked adorable in a very cute hat.
But when I was a teenager, hats were required church attire. All the ladies wore hats. I didn’t like hats even then, but got by with wearing little veil hats that somebody told me were called whimsies. Gloves were expected too. No matter the weather. I had white gloves and tan gloves. Most people had on new clothes too. The kids in church today had new clothes, but it used to be everybody had a new Easter frock. In past years, I did a lot of sewing to get us ready for Easter. Now I just wear something I already have and don’t even think about getting a new dress for Easter. I certainly don’t think about sewing a new dress. It’s been years since I sewed anything more than a ripped seam. So did you shop for new finery for Easter for yourself or your family? Or maybe fashion an outfit with your own needle?
Now, on Easter, my sons and their families usually make it home for a visit on Easter weekend. They came on Saturday this year and a good thing since we had a beautiful day of sunshine for the Easter egg hunt and then rain this a.m. It’s absolutely amazing how fast seven kids can find one hundred plus stuffed plastic eggs. In the picture up top, they’re waiting for the word go and posing for the camera. It is almost impossible to get nine kids to sit still and look at the camera all at the same time. But the photo op happened and the Easter egg hunt began. Then because it was such a nice day, we went for a walk. At least seven of the grandkids and one son and me. It’s a challenge keeping that many kids moving forward along the same path and in the same direction.
But the grandkids love being on the farm. Walking in the fields is as fun to them as hunting those Easter eggs. Maybe more fun. They like finding new trails in under the trees and playing in dry creek beds. Well, they don’t really care if the creek beds are dry or not, but their grammy does. The bottoms of tennis shoes are mud magnets that hold onto that dirt until they’re walking around inside the house! But a little dried mud on the floor is a small price to pay for sharing farm fun with the kids. One of the twins did have to be disappointed and not get to go see the cows. He didn’t think about asking his pa to take him until his parents were almost ready to go home.
So the weekend was good. Family home Saturday. Sunrise service this a.m. Fellowship breakfast. One son and his family came to church to help me pack our pew this morning. Leftovers for lunch, so I didn’t have to cook. A little candy still hanging around that didn’t go into a grandkid’s sack. Sunshine to walk this p.m.
I am blessed. Did you get to gather with your family today?
Love your family. Spend time, be kind; serve one another. Make no room for
regrets. Tomorrow is not promised; today is short. 
                                                                         (Unknown author)