Happy Birthday to Me!

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

To celebrate my birthday yesterday I thought I’d show you a girl who really enjoys her birthdays. This is Jillian at her birthday party in June. Somehow us older folks don’t know how to celebrate with such abandon the way a three-year-old can. But I’m still thankful for every birthday and glad to celebrate. I’ve just stopped counting them up. That’s how my kids have gotten older than me, I guess. You know it’s not your own age so much as how your kids – who are supposed to stay young – are getting older. If they’re that age, then it almost forces me as their mom to admit that the years are piling up. But so are the blessings. You can’t have grandbabies without adding a few years on and grandbabies are worth those extra years.
–I did my book drawing where I’m giving a lucky reader a couple of books to celebrate me getting to start a new year with the chance to write a new book. And the winner is — (drum roll, please) Alla of Kentucky. I’ll be in touch, Alla, about which books you want. For the rest of you, I’ll be doing another giveaway soon. Check here or on my website for details in a few weeks.
The worst thing I got for my birthday is a cold. Yuck! I’ve got the fashionable Rudolf red nose look right now. I took a pill but it must have lost its oomphf. I don’t know how to spell that but you get the idea. We’ve been going to the Quartet Convention in Louisville all week. I love meeting and greeting people, but I doubt they’ll want to meet and greet me today. I’ll take my hand sanitizer along and keep my distance, so maybe I won’t give everybody anything. It’s not the flu. Just an aggravating head and sinus thing.
–But the NQC is always fun. I meet a lot of readers and lovers of gospel music from all over the country and Canada too. Some of them come back every year to the Patriots’ booth to see if I have a new book. And the last few years I have been blessed to have a new book out. A lot of people are meeting a writer for the first time. One person told me last night that she’d never met a “real live author.” I told her sometimes I wasn’t so lively. I can’t remember if she bought a book or not after that. 🙂
–The Patriots sang their new release “American Christian” in a Showcase on Monday afternoon and everybody in the place (maybe 2000 or so) stood up to cheer. It’s a great patriotic song about standing for what you believe. And then people keep coming by the booth to get the CD with “that song” on it. So that’s been a spirit booster for the guys. I posted a picture of their booth on my Facebook page so you can go out and check that out to see how much they’re waving the flag. That’s one of the lines in the song “I’m a flag-waving American Christian.” When they took the Patriot name they decided they would stand for God and country. So this song is perfect for them.
–I also did my talk at the Forks of the Elkhorn Baptist Church yesterday. It was the PrimeTimers group. A great bunch of folks and I appreciate them asking me to come talk about my writing. I’ll try to post a picture later on.
–Out of time today. I’ve got to go walk Dub before we head back to Louisville. Poor old dog is still having to wear that torture collar. Yesterday morning I had him chained on the back porch to an old gas grill we had on the porch when he decided he was going for a walk. He pulled that big old grill off the porch and freed himself. I had to chase him down. So now he’ll have to go in the basement while we’re gone.
–Hope you have a beautiful week and play you some toe-tapping good gospel music. Bound to cheer you up.