Connecting with My Reading Friends

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

I know. It’s not Wednesday or Sunday (that’s my usual posting days), but I’m testing out some new links with’s author pages. There are so many ways to connect with readers these days. Facebook. Twitter. Author pages. Blogs. Blog tours. I’ve tried to stick my finger into the internet pie on all of them but twitter. Still not twittering. Are any of you? The facebook has been a fun way to keep up with friends and family. And I’m hoping to have a Facebook Fan page soon. You can talk more about your books and do book giveaways, etc. on the Fan pages. Or at least that’s what I’ve been told.

My only problem is wondering why anyone would even think about signing up to a fan page for me. I don’t think about having fans. I think about having reading friends. But I have to admit I’d like to gather more reading friends, and didn’t our mamas always tell us the way to have a friend is to be a friend? That’s sometimes hard to do when you spend hours making up imaginary people. Coming up with new stories takes some solitary time. A lot of solitary time. That’s why some writers talk so much when they get a chance to be away from their desks. And it’s also why some don’t. Sometimes we’re still in that story. Still hearing conversations in our heads that no one else can hear, but that we hope everybody else will someday want to read. Just as soon as we write it down.

I’m hoping to get some stuff written down soon. Being between books is not my favorite place to be, but I had to catch up on all the mundane “the house will fall in if you don’t take a shovel to it” chores.

Come back Sunday and we’ll talk.