Be Mine, Valentine!

Ann H GabhartAnn's Posts, One Writer's Journal

Thanks to all of you who have responded to my newsletter. I always enjoy hearing from you and knowing that you’re doing okay. And it’s great to have you putting your name in the hat for my new book give-away, Hidden, an Amish romance, by Shelley Shepard Gray, and your choice of one of my books, Orchard of Hope, Summer of Joy, Angels at the Crossroads or The Outsider. To enter, all you need to do is go to my website and click on the contact link and send me an e-mail. I had said I was going to draw for the winner in April, but I think I’ll change my mind and draw the winner earlier in March. That way I can give away something else in April.

Valentine’s Day is coming for all you romantically minded readers. I like Valentine’s Day. What’s not to like? Valentines and chocolates and flowers and dinners out. I think the simple traditional gifts that don’t put a strain on the budget are the best. The gifts that show the one you love that you know what kind of candy she likes best or what movie he’s been wanting to see. The gift of attention and time. But sometimes those are the hardest gifts to give. We’re all so busy trying to catch up and get it all done. What’s going to happen when we get it all done? Well, a lot of it we’ll just have to do all over again. So this Valentine’s Day take some time to do something you enjoy. Pamper yourself and enjoy being with those you love. And don’t you think the most romantic thing you’ve ever heard is where a couple reads a book aloud to one another? Ahh, romance!

Here’s some Valentine’s Day quotes to ponder while you’re relaxing Saturday.

  • Loving is not just looking at each other, it’s looking in the same direction. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, Sand, and Stars, 1939
  • I don’t understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine’s Day. When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon. ~Author Unknown
  • Love – a wildly misunderstood although highly desirable malfunction of the heart which weakens the brain, causes eyes to sparkle, cheeks to glow, blood pressure to rise and the lips to pucker. ~Author Unknown
  • You have to walk carefully in the beginning of love; the running across fields into your lover’s arms can only come later when you’re sure they won’t laugh if you trip. ~Jonathan Carroll, “Outside the Dog Museum”

Or maybe it would be better if both of you could sit down in the middle of the field and laugh together. That’s the best thing to be able to do. Laugh together and share the joy.

For those of you wondering, the snow and ice are gone. Now we’re having high winds and thunderstorms and tornado watches. Maybe next week it will be sunshiny and pleasant.

Hope you have a loving Valentine’s Day.